For rubber engraving, we usually adopt YM series laser engraving machine, generally choose 50mm focusing lens, the format has two types: PLT and BMP. PLT is mainly used for Crochet. Both formats have their advantages, we should adopt different types according to specific conditions. When the height of engraving letters are greater than 10mm or stroke lines are greater than 1.5mm, you can choose Crochet method, a single ordinary rubber show 7mm version, for example, wetting the surface Crochet newspapers, with leak jet cup, to prevent blowing gas had blown up a lot of wet newspaper, so that the hook out of the line is more subtle. At this point the speed was adjusted to 0.5-General 0.8 m / min, faster, bigger teeth; adjust the light intensity: 20% -50%. Adjusted for differences with depth, deeper if the light intensity of up to 60% -70%. Double rubber version is: 4mm rubber version of light intensity to double up to 1.5mm deep, to be transferred to the general rate of 0.5 m / min, light intensity was 45%, as the case may be. If you carving when the word height is less than 10mm, then the general use of carving, this time speed is generally adjusted to :10-15 m / min; light intensity adjustment for the top 18% -28% of deep, depth 55% -75% , the slope between 0.8-1.5, the resolution is generally 500-600dpi, the more dense or smaller text, light intensity should be set too small, the slope is relatively set as small.