Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer


Acrylic Laser Cutting Machine
Updated:2011-01-13 10:19  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:


Laser cutting machine  work with Co2 Laser, it is used for cutting wooden plate, acrylic, plastic and other no-metal materials for complex shape.  Laser machine  is useful in many products such as air plane model, advertisement, decoration, article gifts, toys, and face guard of machine. It is also used in the production of many acrylic and plastic products. Using a laser to cut through plastic or acrylic sheets gives a superior edge that is smooth and well-defined.

The acrylic used is also very important. Acrylic may be cast or extruded. Cast acrylic is excellently suited to  laser cutter. With extruded acrylic, the cut edges become milky after cutting due to the stresses released. Also, it is particularly important to prevent reflections of the laser beam as far as possible since they cause visible unevenness in the cut edges. For this reason, the material may not lie completely flat on the processing surface.

We could not cut the acrylic with the film masking side peeled off one side of the acrylic exposing the raw material, but had to leave both sides of the acrylic with the film masking on. Laser cutting  process falling onto this heat affected zone prior to its cooling.Some acrylic are rather gooey when cut, they seem to cut by melting only, and that does not make for the best cut.
