Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer


Fiber Lasers For Manufacturing Success
Updated:2010-11-22 14:50  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:


Lasers’ world-leading fiber laser cutting  technology has the energy to transform your manufacturing process.Welding, cutting, marking and micromachining operations can be carried out faster and more accurately with an Han’s Yueming laser, for better reliability, less waste and improved productivity.Our technology solves manufacturing problems. It moves the boundaries of what is possible, making good products better and enabling new designs. 

Our application laboratories are world-class facilities staffed by Laser applications experts with wide manufacturing experience.  The team works closely with customers from early stage development through Laser evaluation and optimisation to ensure a perfect fit with customer requirements.  Proof of principle work is conducted free of charge, and follow up process development work can be commissioned. Lasers can also be lent to customers for evaluation.Lasers is involved with the world’s leading Laser institutions and universities, and can facilitate links with industry on a wide range of laser research projects.


The water-cooled range  can be powered from a standard single phase wall socket and is ideal for use in high temperature environments and applications requiring very high stability. The air-cooled range is ideal for a use in a wide range of standard factory or processing laboratory conditions, and can be powered from a standard single-phase wall socket.

Lasers technology is installed in a wide range of applications, for cutting, ablation, annealing, engraving, sintering, printing, scribing, making, drilling and patterning.  The company’s diverse customer base includes manufacturers and processors in the semiconductor, electronics, automotive, medical, food and packing and general industrial sectors.