Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer


Modern Laser Cutting Machine
Updated:2011-03-11 09:55  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:


Laser cutting is a technology first developed in 1967. It uses laser to cut materials and is typically used in industrial manufacturing applications. First it was made as a part of a military research project focussed on lasers.These signs are ideally suited for use on public buildings, shops and even for private use.

Laser cutting machine  is used to cut piping and structural materials as well as flat sheet materials.The style of these two lasers is actually identical but the application process is different. Laser cutting machine is designed for use when low repetition but high energy is required when extremely high power is needed.The surface is neither damaged nor soiled.Thus, there are no limits to the design possibilities. Lighting effects enhance the impression even further.

Laser cutting machine method uses a non-contact approach when cutting the material.Due to this, the wear and tear associated with conventional methods is absent,preventing the product from any damage and deformation.The laser process also delivers a finish quality unmatched by any other process.
