Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer

Industry Information

How can fiber laser marking machine creates high efficiency?
Updated:2014-05-26 14:17  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:

The 21st century is a new efficiency era. Life efficiency, productivity efficiency and so on, efficiency is life, especially enterprise. Fiber laser marking machine is the outcome of enterprise efficiency requirement, but also the identifying of laser technology advancement. Laser technology—fiber laser marking machines has from a high-tech level slowly into people’s lives. The obvious advantages of laser processing machine which is the preferred alternative to traditional ink coding. Nowadays, laser processing technology has been widely used in industrial production, communications, information processing, health care, military, culture, education and scientific research. 

Communications industry and laser processing

    Nowadays laser marking is with irresistible force come into electronic industry. Laser marking is a non-contact processing marking, which doesn’t produce any mechanical compression or mechanical stress, specially meet to the need of electronics industry. Why can we say fiber laser marking machine create high efficiency? For example, fiber laser marking machine can mark information in a variety of chip surface, as its laser beam just a litter point so it can mark in very small chips or components, which can mark the smallest characters to 0.3mm, but they can easily to be seen on the surface and the marking speed is so fast. 
    We firmly believe that fiber laser marking machine as its fast, clean, convenient marking characters can creates high efficiency and will replace the traditional marking techniques. In the future Hans Yueming fiber laser marking machine will have wider overseas and markets and unprecedented development. 