Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer

Industry Information

GD Hans Yueming Laser Established Laser Machining Center
Updated:2010-11-25 08:40  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:


Laser machining center was established for bringing convenient services to laser processing enterprises. At present, there are many enterprises who need to use laser processing equipments, but with conditions of much lower utilization rate, wastefully to buy laser equipment. Han`s Yueming Laser machining center is including laser engraving machine, laser marking machine and so on,  which just the very department to solve the problem of processing.

Since the establishment of laser machine, undertake processing process, opened the window of promoting the laser processing technology and played a role model, promoted not only the economic benefit, but also the development of other industries.DG Han`s Yueming Laser derives great pleasure from servicing other enterprises.
