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Fiber Laser Cutter: Wonderful Tool for Metal Processing

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group 2017-03-10 Share:         Back to list

In the rapid development of Shenzhen, metal processing has been got more attention. Therefore, it turned out that fiber laser cutter has become the specific tool of metal processing. Then let’s go to the science and technology developed Shenzhen and see how the laser equipment shine.


As the pilot city in China’s reform and development, speedy development of Shenzhen let people staggering. It is also one of China’s four major cities, which development has a certain international influence. In particular, in the promotion of policy, industry has been fully developed, and created a remarkable “Shenzhen speed”. Despite the gradual weakening of the demographic dividend, resulting some industrial understaffed. But the appearance of Shenzhen fiber laser cutter in recent years, automated production helps Shenzhen to continue moving forward.


Shenzhen is the same as other region of Pearl River Delta, lacing of manpower which is an undoubtedly heavy blow for labor-intensive factory. However, Shenzhen has not subsided, but seized the opportunity, which has rapid access to advanced laser machine as the main processing tools, such as a series of laser cutting machine, laser engraving machine, laser marking machine and so on. Therefore, Shenzhen fiber laser cutter has become the hot choice for various industries, especially metal processing industry.
 23.2.jpgThis dedicated metal cutting machine is a special sheet metal laser cutting machine which can cut stainless steel sheet, carbon steel sheet and etc. easily. So Shenzhen fiber laser cutter is definitely you best choice for a variety metal processing industry.


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