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Hundreds of creative front desk designs can be achieved by a fiber laser cutting machine

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group 2020-11-25 Share:         Back to list


The front desk as the facade of the company

Reflects the company's cultural atmosphere and enterprise scale directly

Whether the front desk design is good or bad

It determines customers' first impression of the company

And the combination of good design and craftsmanship

Shows the ingenuity of the company

A variety of creative front desk designs can be achieved by a sheet metal laser cutting machine


The design of the front desk should be novel, creative and eye-catching

But it should also pay attention to fit with the corporate culture

The sheet metal laser cutting machine has excellent adaptability and flexibility

That provides more space for the designers of front desk decoration

So countless ideas can be realized

And kinds of works and even styles can be achieved of designers


The design of the front desk includes consideration and integration of materials, colors, etc.

Different materials also bring different visual experience

The decoration of metal materials, whether their colors or shapes

Provides aesthetics and diversity to the space


Whether a simple metal word logo

Or a complex and gorgeous hollow carving

The cutting work can be cut quickly and accurately by the sheet metal laser cutting machines

Which reflects the beauty of metal lines

And shows the beauty of craftsmanship vividly


The creative design of the company's front desk can be realized by the sheet metal laser cutting machine

That fully meets the personalized and customized needs of enterprises

The decoration creates a natural king style

And shows the corporate taste and cultural heritage




Aluminum Alloy Fiber Laser Cutting Machine



Gantry double rack & pinion, double servo motor drive system, MHMD with great torque, 1G acceleration to ensure higher production efficiency;

Imported large gantry milling machine, tempering treatment and vibration aging to eliminate stress, its geometric accuracy is within 0.03mm;

Crossbeam are made through drawing and finishing process, light weight, high rigidity, high dynamic performance;

Germany IPG laser generator has high wall-plug efficiency over 30%, greatly saving power and achieving the highest efficiency;

Auto-focus laser cutting head, integrates with detailed cutting parameters, easy for operation;

Cutting head has the leapfrog function, parabolic motion between the cutting contours. Automatic frog jump during switching contours, high cutting efficiency;

It has the detection functions, such as: automatic diagnosis, fault isolation, fault analysis and data display, fast troubleshooting, can effectively reduce maintenance

Professional nesting software, highly compatible with cutting system, automatic edge searching and sharp corner smoothing functions, can achieve high-speed piercing and fast array scanning cutting functions.



Metal materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, titanium alloy, galvanize sheet, brass, red cooper, etc.


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