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The leather laser engraving machines from our company is much better than other leather engraving equipment

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group 2020-12-11 Share:         Back to list

Bags, clothes, shoes, guitar straps are all made of leathers. The original rigid leather design was broken by the superb leather laser engraving machine. But the leather laser engraving machines from our company is much better than other leather engraving equipment.


The surface of the leather can be engraved and also be hollowed out by the leather laser engraving machines. There are various elements in leather laser engraving machines, which can change the light and shadow then reflects the fashionable atmosphere, aesthetics, romance, and literary retro feelings to bags and clothes.


The unique leather laser engraving machine technology, after drawing on the computer, which can create unique flower patterns, fruit patterns, character patterns, text patterns for leather design. It should be a gorgeous landscape no matter it is applied to the surface of the bag or it is used in the design of shoes. The ingenuity can be presented by the skillful use of leather laser engraving machines.


The guitar strap will not be damaged by the non-contact leather laser engraving machine. Also, the non-contact leather laser engraving machine is no mechanical deformation and internal stress. Regardless of whether it is the front or the back, the leather laser engraving machine can all be achieved.

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