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"Supernatural workmanship" on paper——The paper laser engraving machine

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group Share:         Back to list

The paper laser engraving machine is a creator who gives a piece of paper a beautiful coat; it is an entrepreneur who gives a piece of paper higher product added value.


[DIY to create personalized style paper art lamps: Variety lamps]

Creative from the German studio fifty-fifti, the lampshade of the Take-off Light is made up of two pieces of paper processed by paper laser engraving machine technology. Users can remove the fixed shape to make a hollow. Patterns, make up a variety of styles of lampshade designs, thus creating almost infinite light and shadow shapes.


In daily life, you can often see particularly exquisite paper crafts, most of which are made into greeting cards, wedding invitations, bookmarks, etc. Moreover, the production of paper crafts is becoming more and more refined, which is breathtaking. And it is the paper laser engraving machine that makes these beautiful paper products.


The paper laser engraving machine technology has the insurmountable advantages of ordinary die stamping processing methods.


First of all, it uses non-contact processing, no "tool" wear, no direct impact on paper products, no mechanical deformation, and no mold loss.


Secondly, it can complete the work according to the software drawing, can quickly complete the processing of various complex graphics, and maximize the utilization of materials.


Finally, laser processing is fast, precise, highly personalized, with high precision, beautiful cuts, and more delicate effects. It adapts to the trend of paper production technology and can give paper products higher artistic value!


CMA4030 laser engraving machine


    For more information, you can call the sales hotline of Han's Yueming Group: 0769-8983888!

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