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Your success is inseparable from the auminum alloy laser cutting machine

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group 2017-1-7 Share:         Back to list

     Aluminum alloy is a kind of non-ferrous metal material widely used in industry. As everyone knows that it has been widely used in aviation, aerospace, automotive, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding and chemical industry etc. With the rapid development of industrial economy, the demand of aluminum alloy cutting, welding, carving etc is increasing. At this time, laser equipment plays an important role. Fiber laser cutting machine, aluminum alloy laser cutting machine, metal laser marking machine etc has attracted much attention in the metal processing industry.
     The density of aluminum alloy is low, but its strength is rather high which gets close to or exceeds high-quality steel; ductility is good and can be processed into various sections; it has good electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance and its use is only less than steel. In order to adapt to the development of the market better, Han’s Yueming laser develops advanced high-tech aluminum alloy laser cutting machine.

     It adopts the advanced imported fiber generator, gear and rack, linear guide rail design, enhanced welding lathe bed, which ensure the stability and accuracy of the processing. In order to better fit the market, Han's Yueming can equip according to the actual needs of customers, which ensure the cutting effect and at the same time greatly reduce customer's investment and operating cost. Aluminum alloy laser cutting machine definitely helps you succeed!

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