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CO2 laser cutting machine equipment, and the prices of carbon dioxide laser cutting machine

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group 2020-12-17 Share:         Back to list

A laser war between laser sword and laser gun in the movie Star Wars might in people’s mind while they are imaging the laser. It makes people feel that the laser is very far away from us, but in fact it is not the case. The products made by laser machines could be seen in our daily life, especially the products made by the CO2 laser cutting machine. The CO2 laser cutting machine equipment is the carbon dioxide laser cutting machine. There are many products processed by it. But how much does the CO2 laser cutting machine?


CO2 Laser Cutting Machine

The CO2 laser cutting machine is mainly used for the cutting of non-metallic materials, such as bamboo products, wood products, textiles, paper products, leather products, acrylic, electronic paper, PCB and composite materials. Depending on the products and materials to be cut, the price of the CO2 laser cutting machine is also different.


The CO2 laser cutting machine manufacturers design models according to different application industries, such as cutting textile and clothing models. Since complex graphics should be cut in the fields of textile, a visual positioning system is added to assist in the process of cutting. Many CO2 laser cutting machine is double-head asynchronous design to speed up the cutting speed, so the price of CO2 laser cutting machine equipment with different configurations is different. Different CO2 laser cutting machines cost from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.


Lace Laser Cutting Machine 

As mentioned above, the products produced by the CO2 laser cutting machine are very common in our daily life, such as greeting cards, clothes, advertising metal characters, crystal characters, circuit boards, mobile phone film, and stickers, which can be cut by the CO2 laser cutting machine. The CO2 laser cutting machine has replaced the traditional contact tool method in many industries.


CO2 laser cutting machine is not expensive, currently, it is the first choice for cutting manufacturers.

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