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Laser marking keyboard equipment, opening a new experience of gaming and entertainment

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group Share:         Back to list

There must be many electronic equipment enthusiasts who have been captured by the colorful keyboards of alien. The cool feeling makes people unable to stop when they play games. This keyboard is manufactured by laser marking keyboard equipment.


The laser marking keyboard equipment uses a high-energy laser beam to mark the part of the keycap that needs to be transparent, so that the light-shielding ink on the surface is separated, and the light of the LED light-emitting diode will pass through the marked part, and other parts Will not transmit light. Laser marking will not only not damage the keycaps, but also permanently mark the graphics.


Place the LED light-emitting diodes under the keyboard keys, and then the LED light-emitting diodes emit colorful light, which achieves the special effect of keyboard lighting, which is especially obvious at night, which improves the keyboard level and opens a new gaming and entertainment experience.


Fiber laser marking machine


The laser marking keyboard equipment has clear marks and lasting effect. It will not fade and fade due to long-term key press and finger friction. It is more environmentally friendly and durable than traditional ink printing. And the laser marking keyboard device can also customize exclusive personalized patterns for game players. If you pick a professional League of Legends player or game character, you can use the laser marking keyboard device to mark it on the keyboard.

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