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The laser cutting technology in industrial application

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group 2017-1-12 Share:         Back to list

Laser cutting technology has advantage of high speed, smooth cutting edge, generally does not need subsequent processing; small cutting heat-affected zone, small plate deformation, narrow kerf; incision no mechanical stress, no cutting burr; high precision, good repeatability, no damage material surface; NC programming can be processed any plan, and you can format the entire board a great cut, without open mold characteristics, but economic time-saving. Laser can cut many types of materials, including glass, wood, plastic and other non-metallic sheet, and stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, aluminum and other metal materials.


Laser cutting technology has extraordinary significance in the application of China's industrial sector. In China, automobile manufacturers have introduced laser cutting machine and laser welding production lines, and demand high-performance laser cutting machine, more urgently. The laser cutting technology can not only improve product production efficiency but also improve component performance. 


In the field of industrial, cutting Laser cutting technology is a new emerging thing. It has superior cutting effect and efficiency which the conventional cutting techniques cannot achieve. Laser cutting is the use of high power density of the laser beam which scans over the surface of the material in a very short period of time. The material is heated to thousands of first million degrees Celsius shortly, melted or vaporized, and then high-pressure gas blows away melted or vaporized material from the slit, achieving the purpose of cutting material.

In the shipbuilding field, in particular special purpose boats, laser cutting machine has become an essential means of processing. Expecting in the next 5-10 years, the production needs of this industry will become increasingly large,because of the coming age of "sophisticated shipbuilding", which suggests that high power CNC laser cutting technology and equipment applications will be more extensive.

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