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Laser Metal Cutter

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group 2017-03-27 Share:         Back to list

Laser metal cutter can fast exquisite hollow metal that become metal producers’ right hand in daily life. It‘s through this advanced laser technology that reflects the gorgeous transmission in the hollowing technique.


China’s first metal crafts appear in the mid-Neolithic, and there have been a variety of metal materials, metal and nonmetallic materials combined crafts in the Warring States. With the development of society, metal processing has achieved rapidly development, which depends on advanced laser metal cutting machine.
Processing by laser cutter for metal cutting can save producers’ cost and achieve higher efficiency. Nowadays, laser technology can produce high quality, very small laser beam which has small heat affected zone, and capable of high precision cutting three-dimensional space, as well as avoid material damage, improving rate of finished products. Under the world of laser cutter for metal cutting, it will be gorgeous and colorful.
Most crafts would like to use gold, silver, copper, iron, tin and other metal materials to process, which is with the style of thick, powerful, elegant, and sophisticated. It’s not difficult to find that a lot of articles for daily use are related to hollow laser technology. Our laser cutter for metal cutting is by the advantages of high processing efficiency, high speed, high precision accurate, simple operation fully show the world of hollowing metal crafts on its head.


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