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Laser Marking Machine Promotes the Development of Plastic Packaging Industry

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group 2017-03-24 Share:         Back to list

Plastic is a synthetic or natural polymer compound and can be processed into various shapes. Plastic is widely used in packaging industry, such as medical product packaging, crafts carton packaging and so on. Laser marking machine improves production efficient and promotes the stable development of plastic packaging industry.

 51.0.jpgPlastic packaging is one of the four materials packaging industry, at the back of cardboard packaging, ranked second. The third and fourth are metal and glass packaging. China modern packaging industry began to develop rapidly after the reform and opening policy, compared with some developed countries, Chinese packaging industry is still at a low level. For example, the real information about products like production date, batch number, always suffers doubts, which has been plagued by the rise of the packaging industry.
Laser marking machine help packaging industry to solve the problem. Technological advances make an important contribution to society, one of the representatives of science and technology is advanced laser equipment. The processing advantages of simple operation, time-saving and efficiency become the favorable conditions of laser equipment that helps it rapidly dominate the processing market. No matter the apparel industry or footwear bag, handicraft industry are widely used laser cutting machine, laser engraving machine, laser marking machine.  
Plastic marking becomes the new darling of packaging industry. It can process packaging products precision, which can provide real products information to every consumer, no cheat, no hide and promotes packaging market stable and healthy development.

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