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How Much Does an Economical Laser Marking Machine Cost?

By : Han's Yueming Laser Group 2017-03-20 Share:         Back to list

Nowadays, economical laser marking machines are widely used in the processing industry, such as the packaging or handicraft industry. Its emergence has promoted the development of the whole industry. Well, do you know how much an economical laser marking machine cost?


In early 1970s, dot-matrix ink marking machine quickly spread across the world, which developed successfully by the United States, but as its characters of environment pollution, difficult to maintenance and other negative factors, it is graduate replaced by affordable economic laser marking machine with the improvement of people’s environmental awareness.
Because of lightweight, operation simple system, stable running performance, reasonable price, economic laser marking machine is especially popular in the marking market. Because of this laser machine beyond the obstacles of traditional dot-matrix ink making machine, so it has become the assistant of marking industry. So how much does excellent performance, high quality laser marking machine cost?

Economic laser marking machine’s mainly function is marking, so it is no need high power laser generator and large-format work platform. In the design of machine body, it is very light and exquisite. And the price is super affordable corresponds its performance. Economic laser marking machine can be usually divided into co2 laser marking machine and fiber laser marking machine. Their using scope and price are different. However, the price of economic laser marking machine is definitely a little higher than traditional marker, but its performance and cost rate is definitely much higher than traditional. 
 42.1.jpgAs we all known, Han’s Yueming Laser cutting machine, laser marking machine, laser engraving machine and other laser equipment are value for using and money, have become a new powerful force to promote the development of manufacturing.

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