Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer


How to apply laser marking machine to leather industry?
Updated:2011-07-06 08:53  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:


    Laser marking machine has great advantags over traditional marking machine for the packaging industry, it's fine processing, not to waste supplies, won the business of love.
    In fact, machine laser marking machine can also be applied to the leather industry, it is mainly used for shoe sculpture, handbags, leather gloves, luggage marking decoration and so on.
    Leather production process and some holes to play, cutting the surface of hook lines or patterns, process requirements: hook-line yellow surface, carving out the background material, leather cutting edge is not black, carved to clear. Material synthetic leather, PU leather, PVC artificial leather, leather wool, semi-finished products, and a variety of leather fabrics and so on.
    Engraving speed depends on the specific size of graphics, drawing lines is relatively small pattern speed slow speed of 0.8 m / min, a large pattern cutting speed 1.5-3 m / min, light intensity at 75%, generally able to cut through leather . Leather cutting a little bit slower, rate of 0.4-1.2 m / min, light intensity in the 60-75% cut incision will be black leather, air cutting, but the incision to form the oxide layer, the dermis and other requirements of wound that is not black , the difficult to achieve; must be processed, for example, can cut over the edge with a rubber mud blackened stick away. Also cut out the smell, so far no solution.
    Nitrogen required for the use of cutting consumption of high-pressure nitrogen, slow and costly, but cut no oxide layer, cut a little better results. Not the same as leather, use different cutting methods, such as leather marking can resort to standard wet earlier, the effect is more ideal. Leather cutting surface can be added to textured paper, to prevent surface yellow; edge black require special handling.
    Laser marking machine in the leather production industry in the application, so the leather decoration is more sophisticated, and processing speed, without any wastage.
