Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer

Industry Information

Application rang of fiber laser cutting machine
Updated:2015-01-14 11:01  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:

Nowadays, there have been various forms of laser processing equipment, which have been widely used in various industries processing program. Advertising industry’s acrylic metal laser cutting machine, medical industry’s laser marking machine, apparel industry’s leather fabric laser cutting machine and automatic feed laser cutting machine. Well, do we know the application rang of fiber laser cutting machine?
Playing an indispensable role in sheet metal industry
With the rise of Chinese manufacturing industry, China sheet metal and its production industry continues to develop rapidly. As the ‘ultimate’ of metallic material processing, the role of fiber laser cutting machine can not be ignored. 
Continue to grow in the construction machinery
Engineering machinery industry is an important part of Chinese equipment industry, such as transportation construction, industrial and civil construction. In our daily life, lots of material can be processed by fiber laser cutting machine, like aluminum, carbon steel, stainless steel and so on. It is easy to operate and time-saving, which is absolutely the first choice of construction machinery. 
To achieve the dream in advertising industry
Laser equipment is always used in advertising industry, like acrylic, stickers, color plates cutting and so on. For metal advertising products, fiber laser cutting machine is denied. 
fiber laser cutting machine