Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer


laser marking machine Since 1985
Updated:2011-07-18 07:56  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:


Since 1985 we help our clients to produce engravers, laser marking machine, mold makers, wood industries and plastic, etc. To increase the performance of your business. We are leaders in the distribution of numerical control centers, pantographs and milling machines, and laser systems for cutting, engraving and marking.

 Our customer base covers various industries and markets, from the trophy or jewelry (pantograph and Nd: YAG), the advertising slogan (electronic recording system and CO2 laser), mold makers (mini laser machining center and Nd: YAG), model, through the wood sector, sign painters, automotive, etc.

 Exclusively represent manufacturers of leading brands in pantographs, tool engraving systems, CNC milling, cutting and engraving equipment CO2 laser systems, Nd: YAG laser marking and machining.

 We offer excellent after sales service and maintenance advice as well as a wide range of materials, supplies and a wide variety of tools for multiple jobs (strawberries, diamond, pliers ...).

Our goal is your satisfaction.
