Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer

Industry Information

Track Information With Laser Marking Plastic
Updated:2011-01-12 10:02  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:


Laser machine  is widely implemented on industrial level since it has been proved that laser is more efficient on marking. Laser marking plastic systems are used to put on a permanent laser mark on items to allow forth tracking information. Laser markings are used on almost all kinds of plastics and placed on products ranging from complimentary pens to identification badges.

A laser marking machine produces three major results but these depend on the type of material being marked and the kind of laser used for marking.  Laser marker is able to generate high contrast, easily readable and durable identification on a wide variety of components for industrial use or consumer products. Most laser marking machines involve either engraving the mark into metal or plastic components. They have been considered as the standard choice for bar codes and other types of unobtrusive tracking.

Choosing the wattage of the  laser marking machine  is an important decision. Certain applications are very forgiving toward power. The question is not only what your present application is, but what future applications you might want to undertake. It is important to note that the wattage level of your  laser equipment  is directly related to processing speed. It is always better to go a little higher in wattage than your immediate application needs.
